Studio Yama
September 2019 - Februari 2023
In 2019 I got the keys of my first, very own studio located at the Oostzeedijk 108 in Rotterdam. I wasn’t looking for a place and I also didn’t had the finances to do so, but when I was advised to have a look at this place, De Achtertuin, I instinctively knew that this was something I had to do. Now looking back, one of the best decisions ever made!
For 3,5 years Studio Yama was a magical serene space that bit by bit was growing and was standing for practice, knowledge, growth, joy & community. My dream was to create a place where likeminded people could come together, to feel safe to explore, learn, heal and grow, and becoming more and more aware of the uniques and wholesomeness that each and one of us has. This place truly became a little gem, an oases of peace, serenity, practice and joy. Even though we had to deal with covid, the community held strong and grew even stronger, making us more aware of the strength and necessity of coming together & community living.
Looking back, my heart truly warms up of all the beautiful (big & small) talks over tea we shared, of all the classes, workshops & trainings we had, the collaborations that were created and all the beautiful amazing souls that were part of this fantastic journey.
The physical place is now closed as I chose to follow my heart to Switzerland to be with the man I love. Still the spirit and community of Studio Yama lives on in all that will follow.
Studio Yama also opened her doors for other businesses that are making a difference and contribute to self development and have a social impact. I’m very grateful and proud that Studio Yama was able to hold space for the following initiatives;
Cacoa ceremonies of Henry (The Soul Surfing Foundation) & Sharon together Shaz and the Medicine Man
LevenInCeremonie by Diana
Cacao Movement by Diana, Bintang, Damitro & co.