Bhagavad Gita Study Group
“May the Yogi, whose body and mind are relaxed, who is free from longing and possessions, remaining alone in a quiet place. constantly unite his (of her) mind (with the object of meditation).” Chapter 6 verse 10
When things around us change in a way we don’t expect, like or want we have a tendency to react with aversion, fear and agitation. We feel like we’ve lost control and are not comfortable with that idea. Preferably we have everything sorted the way we like, have expectations that we want to see fulfilled and want our lives to be joyful and running smooth. As much we all want this, we can all agree that this isn’t how life always goes and that life is filled with ups & downs.
That our lives is filled with ups & downs isn’t the problem. That our world is constantly changing in ways we expect or not isn’t the problem. That we suffer from disease and stress isn’t the problem. This is how life always has been and will keep on to continue.
The problem is us, the problem is I. It’s our way of understanding and what we see as the truth which gives us a fundamental problem and is our root cause for suffering and unhappiness.
The beautiful story of the Bhagavad Gita is about a warrior ‘Arjuna’ and his friend, teacher and guide ‘Krishna’ who go through the difficulties of life, it’s unbearable choices and the truth of our true nature. It’s an ancient story about self knowledge which never get’s old as our problems remain the same.
We are not happy and are always searching for ways to be happy. Because being happy is our ultimate end.
What to expect
We will go through the verses step by step with the unfolding of the verses. These verses are written in Sanskrit and we will use the translation of Swami Dayananda Saraswati. The teachings of this traditional Vedanta teacher are grounded, understanding and suited to our present time.
Chanting of the Sanskrit verses.
Simple and modern unfolding keeping the Vedanta way of explaining and teaching methode in honor.
See this ’guidance’ by me as a approachable bridge and translation between the modern society we all live in and the ancient and rich wisdom of the ‘simple’ truth of our being.
We will come together online, information will follow once you’ve subscribed.
Teacher background
Through the practice of Yoga I was introduced to Vedanta which became my main study for the last five years. To me it has been the most direct and complete way of understanding life and the person we claim to be. Vedanta is a means of knowledge about who we truly are.
I’ve had various teachers like James Swartz and Swami Sarvapriyananda, but the most recent teacher I remain my studies with is Swamini Atmaprakashananda who was a direct student of Swami Dayananda Saraswati.
I don’t claim to be a Vedanta teacher or so, but I am a dedicated student of these teachings and have experience in teaching these texts in various groups, mainly during Yoga teacher trainings.
Data & time
Start Wednesday 25 March
20.00 - 21.15
To whom
Everyone with an interest in the deeper understanding of self knowledge
Some understanding of Yoga and it’s background is helpful
€50,- for first 5 classes
Classes will proceed giving you the option to continue