Mama-Baby Circle
Zaterdag 17 dec | 10.00 - 12.00
De winter is een tijd van naar binnen keren en van warmte en gezelligheid bij elkaar opzoeken. We tellen weer langzaamaan af naar kerst en het einde van het jaar. Een mooi moment om dus ook deze gezelligheid met nieuwe mama’s onder elkaar op te zoeken!
Stay present in changing times
Saturday 28 November
How to stay present in these uncertain times? How to remain calm and resilient when everything around you moves and changes?
In this talk I want to share with you this knowledge of our ancient wisdom keepers that has survived for over more than 5000 years. I will share with you in a clear and understandable way the main principles of self knowledge and the path of lasting happiness. Be curious and join!
Satsang (live online)
Very excited to announce that Maarten van Otterdijk and Marjolein Rikkelman will come together for a joyful Eastern afternoon of Mantra singing! Singing allows the mind to be free from worries and gives great joy. It connects us straight to the centre of our being and enlightens our inner strength, intuition and love.
Be welcome, connect and sing your heart out!
Vedanta course - Tattva Bodha
10 Wednesday evenings | 19.30 -21.00
A unique opportunity to dive into the ancient teachings of Self knowledge, given with clarity and easy language use within a group setting. No matter where you are on your path of Self Inquiry, Vedanta is the end of means which will deepen the path in self awareness.
Introduction to Vedanta
3 Wednesday evenings | 19.30 -21.00
The solution to all your problems is right in front of you. Or better said you are the problem, the solution lies within and it’s already there for you to figure it out.
Join for this short course which provides a basic understanding of Vedanta. Vedanta is the ancient wisdom ‘behind’ yoga, meditation etc. This concerns self inquiry, which gives knowledge about our true nature, how to live life according to our duties with joy and fulfillment.